Shenandoah shows summary

This blog is a display for my projects. I make models of carnival rides out of knex and pipe cleaners and a few other items. They rack (tear down) like the real rides. If you are viewing this site for the first time let me give you a tour. Below are posts. If your new you might of missed some, so scroll threw and back to see other projects. To the right, is a tab that says pages. Click that and it will take you to a list of pages, including carnival terminology, and youtube, as well as a few others. Enjoy and comment. P.S. if you comment, don't ask me for, or leave any personal info. I ask that you address me as Shenandoah shows, or idog0698. Thank you.
-Shenandoah shows.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

COMING SOON!!!!!!???

If you can guess what this ride is, comment and say so. I will reveal the answer in the new year. Its the next edition coming to Shenandoah Shows!
I used my hypercam to take the picture on flickr. Thanks dccradio for it!