Shenandoah shows summary

This blog is a display for my projects. I make models of carnival rides out of knex and pipe cleaners and a few other items. They rack (tear down) like the real rides. If you are viewing this site for the first time let me give you a tour. Below are posts. If your new you might of missed some, so scroll threw and back to see other projects. To the right, is a tab that says pages. Click that and it will take you to a list of pages, including carnival terminology, and youtube, as well as a few others. Enjoy and comment. P.S. if you comment, don't ask me for, or leave any personal info. I ask that you address me as Shenandoah shows, or idog0698. Thank you.
-Shenandoah shows.

A few pieces

A few pieces, the story of how my rides came to be.
  I have been making rides from knex most of my life. I have been watching carnivals setup and tear down since 2002, and photographing them since 2004. That's how I know how the rides tear apart. That and internet research. But in 2008, that was when I really began building the rides. That's when I began making the packable rides. That's when I began using the pipe cleaners and stuff. But the rides weren't so glamorous a few years ago. The rides have been updated a lot! The paratrooper is my favorite ride, and has been a constant ever since 2008. At first I had only 1. But I kept switching between purple and red design, so I decided to duplicate it, and created a second paratrooper. One was painted purple, and the other was painted red. And when I say painted, I mean painted. I used spray paint to color it. I use clay for the middle lights, and vending machine cups for the umbrella shaped seats..
    It went from there. It started as just an oddly shaped ELI HY5 Ferris wheel, an un-advanced paratrooper, a bad round up, a bad looking sidewinder, an ugly super loops, and an awkward swinger. Now, 6 years later, I have sometimes over 30 rides (view ride list page), can run 4 units of rides, ( see units page) and have won awards on them. As an example, below I will post some before and after pictures. In 2014 I began adding electric lights to them, and in the summer of 2014, I began the great painting, taking almost all my rides and painting them with spray paint.
  All my rides are as I have stated, are custom made and are based off of real rides. I make them teardown and move according to the real rides. And the rides will most likely always be updated each year. Each year I see new stuff, and if there's one thing I've learned in 11 years, its you never know what your going to see next.

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